Global Star Rating System for Services

UAE Ministry of Energy and Infrastructure follows the Digital Participation guidelines provided by the Federal E-Government.

For more information about social media, open data, and website content guidelines click on the button down below.

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The Ministry of Energy and Infrastructure (MoEI) is keen on constructive and rapid interaction with customers through the website and social media sites and applications, in a professional manner that exceeds customers’ expectations. We believe in enhancing digital presence through opening innovative communication channels with the various segments of society. Digital participation is one of the tools used by the Ministry to obtain customers’ feedback, preferences, and suggestions.

Purposes of Digital Participation

  • Enabling individuals and institutions to communicate directly and effectively with a wider audience
  • Leveraging digital mediums in sharing information and raising awareness of certain issues
  • Offering tools for learning, whether through online educational resources or training courses
  • Improving processes and services by monitoring the aspirations and desires of the audience
  • Enhancing transparency by publishing the results of public surveys in a downloadable format
  • Providing user-friendly, effective participation channels that enhance partnership with the audience and improves mutual interaction

Objectives of the Digital Participation Policy

The Digital Participation Policy aims to set the necessary controls and regulations that would organize the process of using digital participation tools and to clarify the procedures and responsibilities involved during this process to be a reference for managing the various aspects of digital participation in an optimal manner and to ensure the achievement of the goals for which it was created. It also contributes to defining controls in all matters. It relates to the processes of publishing, monitoring, following up, and effective communication with the target audience.

Implementation Scope of the Digital Participation Policy

The digital participation policy applies to all topics, opinions, discussions, and surveys that are presented and circulated through the digital participation tools provided by MoEI through its website, whether they are submitted using computers or smart mobile devices and tablets. This policy also applies to all MoEI websites.

Stakeholders (target audience):

The target audience for digital participation includes customers and stakeholders who have an important role in shaping and implementing policies and programs related to energy, infrastructure, transportation, and housing. Their digital participation is considered an essential part of the decision-making process and improving services and projects.

Digital participation tools

MoEI provides a number of digital participation tools through its website:

  • Opinion polls: MoEI works to publish opinion polls aimed at collecting the largest possible number of public opinions and development observations.
  • Electronic surveys: Aimed at monitoring community members’ satisfaction with the level of efficiency of the Ministry’s operations and the quality of its services, electronic surveys are an effective digital consultation tool.
  • Chat: The Ministry provides a special channel for live chat with the website management team through which all inquiries and questions raised by the public are responded to immediately.
  • Social media sites: MoEI uses a number of social media networks (Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube, X, Facebook, Threads) to communicate with the public.
  • E-mail: Sending information and specialized data via e-mail supports content management systems and effective communication with partners and customers.

Response and evaluation mechanism

After collecting customer responses from all surveys and sorting them, the answers are evaluated according to the ministry’s needs, general directives, and applicable policies, including laws and legislation. Then the most frequent answer is chosen because it is the most important and influential and meets the interests and needs of the audience.

Additionally, we publish a summary of the public comments received and our response to each engagement opportunity. We also publish evidence that people's opinions have been included in the actual decision-making process to underscore the value and usefulness of digital engagements.

Announcing and promoting digital participation opportunities

We publish our opportunities for digital participation quarterly on the Ministry’s website and on the website ‘’. We enhance our opportunities for digital engagement through our social media accounts. It is important to choose digital participation according to the factors mentioned above, write in a language that is clear and understandable to the average reader, and avoid publishing inaccurate or misleading information. A digital participation is chosen according to several main factors, namely its compatibility with the ministry’s mandates, its connection to the ministry’s goals and activities, and its contribution to achieving them.

Our commitment towards you

  • We will always address you with respect and friendliness.
  • We will communicate with you through helpful staff who has the knowledge, understands your needs, and can answer your inquiries.
  • We will respond to your inquiries in a timely manner.
  • We will provide you with accurate information and procedures for proper service
  • We will be present to communicate with you in the time and across the channels and sites that are most suitable for you.
  • We will welcome your comments and suggestions to be partners with you in the development of our services.

What we are hoping to find when communicating with you

  • Appreciation of the efforts of our employees serving you and dealing with them with mutual respect.
  • Do not ask or discuss personal topics.
  • Commitment to proper conduct and laws.
  • Do not post comments that contain inappropriate language or violate the privacy of others or abuse them.
  • Do not post any comments that breach security.
  • Do not post any information or comments that violate the intellectual property rights of others or disclose confidential information.

Supervision Policy

The Ministry of Energy & Infrastructure welcomes your constructive comments and views. Your contribution will be appreciated and taken into account as one of the important references in the discussion of improvements and enhancements for our services.

Despite that MOEI welcomes any free comments and input on this platform, it has the full right to hide any content that:

  • Represents a threat to security.
  • Violates local laws.
  • Indecent, obscene, or defamatory.
  • Includes inappropriate language.
  • Violates the privacy of others or is offensive.
  • Includes collective or political discussions.
  • Includes unwanted messages or promotes any trade.
  • May be interpreted as prejudiced or harmful to any section of society on the basis of race, color, nationality, religion or status ... etc.

Not complying with this policy can lead to blocking the participant.

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