Global Star Rating System for Services
08/04/2024 To 31/07/2024

developing the smart connectivity system between the MOEI and governmental and semi-governmental agencies who benefit from the distance setting service.

Consultation Subject:

Upon reviewing all the public opinions and proposals, the Ministry will focus on developing a smart integration system for joint operations between the executive authorities and the Ministry on the federal government platform by unifying the e- platform, re-engineering the processes and automating the procedures among participating organizations to achieve seamless integration, reduce redundancies, enhance government efficiency, cut costs, shift towards paperless operations and improve data quality while minimizing human intervention.

Consultation Objective:

Through the advisory, the Ministry of Energy and Infrastructure aims to monitor all public feedback about the smart services system and the electronic link between the Ministry of Energy and Infrastructure and the entities benefiting from the distance determination service (which is a government service provided to employees to prove the distance between their work centers and their residence or between the spouse's work centers), in order to facilitate this service to customers and improve the quality of operations provided to the public.

Consultation Decision:

Launching a new package of smart services from the unified technical connectivity project between the Ministry of Energy and Infrastructure and other entities in the country

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