Global Star Rating System for Services

Request Value Estimate of Accident Damage

Request Value Estimate of Accident Damage

About the Service

Submit a report to the accident’s perpetrators about the damages resulting from the Ministry’s Federal Road Campuses due to traffic accidents

Required Documents

The required documents issued by approved authorities require a stamp, taking into consideration that the digital stamp is acceptable.

  • Accident report or letter from Police of details and location of accident

Terms and Conditions

  • The accident on the Ministry’s Federal Roads

Service Process

  • 1

    Login using UAE PASS account.

  • 2

    Fill in the required field and attach the required documents.

  • 3

    Submit the service.

  • 4

    Pay the fees.

  • 5

    Obtain the service.

Expected Time

  • 3 working days

Service Fees

  • According to the estimated damage

Target Audience

  • Individuals (Citizens, Residents, Senior Citizen, People of Determination and Visitors)

Service Channels

  • Happiness Service Centers: According to the service center working hours (Dubai, Ras Al Khaimah, Fujairah)
  • Website: 24/7
  • Smart App: 24/7



Exceptional Cases



  • Is it possible to apply for MOEI's road services from outside the country?

    Yes, you can apply for MOEI's road services through the website or the smartphone application from any location, whether inside or outside the country

  • What is meant by the "Accident Damage Estimation Service"?

    It is a service through which the applicant can obtain a "Damage Value Report" for the traffic accident that caused damages to the federal roads assets by the applicant, In addition to obtaining a clearance letter addressed to the police departments upon payment

  • What are the attachments required for the "Accident Damage Estimation Service"?

    The police report showing the name of the person who caused the accident, as well as an easy reference to the location of the accident. Further communication with the applicant might be required in the event that the location of the accident is not accurately identified

  • What should I do after receiving the electronic accident report?

    Either direct payment through MOEI's electronic system / via smart phone application, Or send a report estimating the value of the damages to the insurance company to pay the amount of damages

  • How can I pay in case of damages as a result of the accident?

    The applicant can pay directly through the payment channels shown in the electronic system or via smartphone application, Or deposit the amount or a check in the ministry’s account shown in the damages report

  • What happens when I pay directly through the system in the "Accident Damage Estimation Service"?

    The applicant can pay directly through the payment channels shown in the system or via smart application, and receive the clearance letter via registered email directly

  • What should I do after receiving the amount or check from the insurance company?

    It must be deposited to the Ministry’s account shown in the accident damages value report, then send the payment receipt along with the damages value report to the following email ( After two working days, the clearance letter shall be sent to the same email

User guide

Please check the user guide (PDF) for using the system in order to apply for the service.

pdf584 KB

  • Number of users

  • Number of transactions

QR Code

QR Code

Scan the code to open this page on your mobile

  • Service Type:


Service Card in Other Languages

Service Card in Urdu 409 KB | PDF

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